Monday, March 21, 2005

The Death of SeaMonkey

A sly fox has the monkey house in an uproar and Billy G and the Redmond crew are licking their chops and hoping the OSS will start turning on each other. Here are some comments I made on Neil Deakin Blog about the Thick and Thin Mozilla browsers.

"The compartmentalized approach is nice and I love FireFox for its media attention. It is a good browser as well it should be, look at its parents. The Death of SeaMonkey is a highly dangerous idea in that it is creating a rift in the community. My greatest concern is the damage this whole argument can have on taking away from the OSS browser momentum. Do you think that IE 7 will care whether it tries to snuff out a burning fox or drowned a monkey in the sea? I think this argument needs to be settled quickly and quietly the idea of a “thin” browser FireFox and a suite of tools SeaMonkey joining together is the right path. The community should define the code difference and like comments already posted join Thunderbird, Sunbird and FireFox (with a basic extensions pack) and release as _________ 2.0 you fill in the blank FireFox or Mozilla. If “thin” is what you want in the installer offer the option

“Thin” -- just the browser
“Full”-- the kitchen sink
“Custom” -- what every developer chooses

The argument for FireFox is the press coverage and marketing hype that surrounds that flavor today so an argument could be made that FireFox 2.0 might be just the ticket to take the air out of the IE 7 release. Purest and domain name registrants, I am speaking to you, Developers/Hackers/SourceForgians and the like all know the truth and you have no need to re brand your sites every one will know that at its core this 2.0 browser is Mozilla."


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